Today was the 12th week of home based church for us. Spencer and Myra were pared together today for our family study. I was going to help them plan it out, but Myra said that she had an idea. They did a great job! They were showing that true disciples don’t set their hearts on riches.
True disciples of Jesus Christ do not set their hearts upon riches.
Chapters 1 and 4 of Alma both describe periods when the Church prospered, but Church members responded to that prosperity differently in each case. What differences do you notice? Based on what you find, how would you describe the attitude that “humble followers of God” (Alma 4:15) have toward riches and prosperity? What do you feel inspired to change about your own attitude?
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Kids sayings
More kids saying... again sorry if there’s a repeat 🤣
- Spencer on going to child watch - I don’t want to go, it’s just me and all the short people
- Spencer talking about his coach’s son - I just want to keep him. But no we can’t.
- Ben to Myra after giving mom $ for her birthday - You gave her six dollars - Myra - well I can’t waste all my money
- Spencer and Myra to Cat, who they thought was being mean to them (for telling on them) - Spencer - do you want Brooklyn to make you a sandwich- Cat - what? Why? - Myra - a knuckle sandwich because you are being mean to us
- Ben to Spencer after his bath - hey bud how you doing - Spencer - ben I’m clean. Go away
- Spencer talking about eating potato skins - they taste smelly
- Spencer - I smelled it and it tasted good
- Spencer trying to get out of going to church - I don’t feel good. I threw up. I really did. - mom - that’s too bad. I guess you don’t get any snack today and will have to lay in your bed resting all day. That’s what we do when we are sick - Spencer- I was just pretending. I’m not sick
- Spencer on way to church - we should have Livy over tonight... -later talking about Mom’s new hair cut - your hair looks just like Mindy’s. - mom - no it doesn’t. It’s a lot longer - Spencer several times - no it’s just the same. It’s just like Mindy’s - Mom, several times - No it’s different - Spencer- maybe we should have Mindy come over tonight so we can see if they are the same or different
- Spencer during family study - I’m God. Yes I’m God
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Copper got his first professional haircut today. I’ve given him a couple trims, but this is the first time he’s gone to a shop to get a cut. They said he did good and he looks great.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Spencer helped Josh with a project. Spencer’s hand was small enough to fit in where Josh’s hand couldn’t go.
Monday, May 25, 2020
I love lilacs. We had several bushes at our old house. We tried bringing one with us when we moved (ten years ago) but it didn’t survive. Josh planted one for me a few years back. It hasn’t gotten real big, but it sure does have beautiful flowers each spring.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Week 11 - Sunday
Today was week 11 of home based church. The first few weeks of the quarantine we took turns giving the talks for church. But there have been a couple weeks we’re we forgot to assign someone to talk so we have had “guest” speaker and listen to General Conference talks. One talk that has stuck out to me is from Elder Jeffery R Holland called “A High Priest of Things to Come” that he gave in October 1999. It’s a great talk. Here’s a link to it
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These two were cute sharing a blanket |
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Graduation day... not so much
Today was suppose to be graduation for Ben, and second day of state for swimming (so that would have been fun). Sadly it was neither 😣
Today the graduating seniors got to have a senior send off. Each senior got a car full (if they wanted) of people to be sent off with. We started in the parking lot at the high school where the teachers and administration drove by saying goodbye. Then they all parked in the street and the seniors got to drive by and say goodbye again. After there was a slide show to watch (at home). It wasn’t anything close to graduation but at least it was something, and they still get some sort of graduation next month.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Brooklyn got a job! She got hired at Safeway (where Ben works). She was mostly hired to count people coming and leaving Safeway (to make sure they stay under their limit COVID 19 numbers). She’s so excited to have a job!
Thursday, May 21, 2020
More kids sayings
Sorry if there’s a repeat 😝
- Brooklyn to junior - you wouldn't think it was so gross if it was your own spit
- Ben - like pull them out of the ground carrots
- Spencer to mom - you smell like a boy. Your hair stinks
- Spencer to mom - I'm gonna hold your hand so I don't get bitened by the wolves or zoomed zoomed by the cars
- Myra to dad about his beard - it's like the back of a pretty girls head
- Spencer to mom - I'm sorry I called you stupid head mommy. Your the best mommy ever. I love you
- Spencer while squeezing his face - but look at my face
- Spencer with a basket full of fruit snacks - can I eat all these
- Cat to Savannah - yes your highness. Only queens don't say please
- Cat about grandma turning 29 - how can grandma be 29 when you are 38? Oh wait, I know. She must have hit 100 and started over
- Myra after going in circles - thank you , thank you tony. You saved us. Thank you tony
- Cat after asking dad for ice cream for dinner - dad you always say yes. Don't fail me now
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Fun Art
Myra has to draw picture with sidewalk chalk that you could then put a person in like they were part of the scene. It was very creative.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Today Ben went to the school to pick up the “last” of his awards and papers and things. As well as his cap and gown. His graduation was suppose to be this Saturday, May 23rd at 9am at the world arena. Because of COVID 19 his graduation is no longer that day and time. His new graduation date is June 25th (Thursday) at 9am. He will have an in person graduation on what was Sky Sox’s field, or his high schools football field. At this time there will be no family members allowed in person to attend. The school will air it live as well as record it. If the governor changes things before the 25th there might be some family allowed to attend but it would be limited. While we are very glad he gets to have an in person graduation, we are sad that no family will be allowed to come. But I was very surprised today when Ben came home from school with all his papers to find that he already had his diploma.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Sunday week 10
Here’s a couple scriptures from our family study today.
Mosiah 23:22-24
22 Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day. Yea, and thus it was with this people.
23 For behold, I will show unto you that they were brought into bondage, and none could deliver them but the Lord their God, yea, even the God of Abraham and Isaac and of Jacob.
24 And it came to pass that he did deliver them, and he did show forth his mighty power unto them, and great were their rejoicings.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
I posted several weeks back that swim was on hold until April 6th. Sadly CHSAA decided to cancel all spring sports. This was a very sad season for Ben and us. This would have been our 6th years of a swimmer at Doherty. Josh and I decided that we should finally have some parent shirts to support our swimmer. So we ordered shirts (as well as Doherty swim apparel for Ben) back in March. And then all sports got canceled. Today I wore my shirt. Today would have been the second day of League. Today Ben would have been swimming. Today we would have been sitting at a pool cheering Ben on. Today I wore my shirt and stayed home. Sad for Ben that his plans got canceled. Sad that he didn’t get to swim this spring.
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Ben swimming in 2019 |
Friday, May 15, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
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