Tonight there was eleven of us playing. And we had the chance to play a couple different game (And the girls won the first game!!!). The last game we played tonight was Curses! If you've never played... you should! It is a great big group game. But you have to be comfortable with those you are around. Or just not be shy.
Ok so how the game goes is like so... On your turn you have to take a challenge card and do what it says. It is not really hard, and doesn't really matter, but I think this part is probably the hardest part of the game for me. Because when it is your turn everyone is paying attention to you... and all the weird/crazy/silly things you have to do...
And you have to do these things because of the curses you receive. The second thing you do on your turn is draw a curse and give it to someone. And that person has to do what that card say for the rest of the night... or until they are caught not doing their curse. If you get caught three times you are out of the game.
So to night I got the curse that I had to interrupt the person sitting on the right of me every time they talked... Saying things like "Really? That's so fascinating!" I didn't really last to long interrupting my neighbor, before I got caught. But then later my neighbor got the curse to imitate the person on his left... Me! So he had to spend the rest of the game doing what ever I did... Including swatting mosquito's when ever I talked.
As the game went on his wife tried to come up with things for me to do for him to lose. That's when Josh looked at me and warned "Don't you even come over here and give me a big kiss!" Because then Derek would have to copy me...
Curses is one of those games that should be recorded... I'm sure we all look like idiots, but as long as we all do who cares, right?
Sounds like a really fun and funny game!
ReplyDeleteJust another great post from a great woman who is a joy to be around even if she is outside her comfort zone! :) You can kiss me now though!