A week and a half back I posted for thee first time about the Parade of Homes... Now we have been to about half of the homes this year (a lot less homes this year than in years past). We have seen 11 out of the 23 holes on the parade route. And I'd have to say that my favorite so far is... my own home :)
I guess that I should be happy about that, but I am a little disappointed. We have seen many homes costing almost twice what we paid for our house, and they are not much bigger (if they are even bigger). One even cost more than a million dollars and I still like mine best. Now I know Josh is ecstatic about this. He has said MANY times over the last 6 months that we are NEVER moving again. So I guess if we go to the parade and I like my house best that's a good thing. 
There has been a couple rooms that gave me great ideas for the kids rooms (I keep forgetting to take my camera in with me to the homes), so I guess it's not a total waste of time. Plus on the up side it is time with my cute hubby with out kids (mostly).
We still plan on seeing the rest (OK not really, we are skipping the one down in Fountain), and we are still hoping that there will be some better homes out there in the parade. But it's nice to know how much I love my home :)
These are not any of the homes we have seen... Too bad!
ReplyDeleteHow weird that we blogged about the same thing tonight?! It's almost like we planned it ... :)
ReplyDeleteHey, great minds think alike!! You two are made for each other!! Aww...