Friday, July 30, 2010


With the wonderful invention of the remote control, we have been given a fantastic gift. You don't have to get up to turn on the TV. But my question is, how many remotes should you need???
Last night my brother came over and Josh helped him with cutting wood for a cub scout project... Brian in turn helped us get our new TV all set up so we could watch stuff...
And play video games... or watch Netflix instant flicks on the WII.
Brian was great! He got everything all hooked up, and He even showed me how to run everything... With ALL the Different remotes! Yes that's right we need four remotes to watch TV...

And we only get the local channels! No Direct TV, no cable, no Dish. Just the local channels!


  1. Loved this blog posting!! It's strange, but true, that we need so many remotes just to watch TV. You've inspired me to do my own blog posting about the remotes for my TV. I hope you don't mind if I "borrow" this idea! :)

  2. It seems like we used to joke "Where's the remote?" Nowadays it's not a matter of finding THE remote ... you have to find them all AND know which one does what. Craziness! Nice post pretty lady.
