Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sometimes knowing too much can be bad

In college I studied Paramedicine... And even though I never actually worked as a paramedic (for money... cause I did plenty of work for free), I still find it very usefull. But there are often times in my life that I wonder if too much information might be bad. I don't have an X-ray machine, or X-ray vision. I don't have a heart monitor. And most of my studies had to do with emergency type scenario, not sprains or fevers. As a mom, sister, aunt, daughter, friend, I have had many opportunities to use my schooling. Fortunately most of the situations were not life threatening. But I am a worrier, and I have often found myself worrying over a sick child or friend. And when I am worrying ALL my schooling comes rushing back to me... Causing me to worry all the more.

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