Friday, January 2, 2015

I Think We Might Be In Trouble

I think we might be in trouble!

Sometimes I learn things the hard way. Spencer had taken up a new sport. The game goes like so... Spencer (no matter where he is, as long as he can hear you leave) will race to the garage to lock whoever goes out the door into the garage out. He's very good at it. Poor Ben loses often. I often hear a bang, bang, bang coming from the door after I have sent Ben out to get me something from the garage. Today I lost! Spencer was half way down the stairs to the basement when I went out to grab chicken for dinner. I couldn't have been out there more than thirty seconds when I tried to get back in. But sadly thirty seconds was to slow, and Spencer had won.
He's lucky he is so cute!
The only problem... No one was upstairs besides Spencer to let me back in. I was in a short sleeve shirt with only socks and no phone (it was on the counter in the kitchen). The garage was cold! Thankfully my banging on the door made Spencer cry, and finally one of his sisters came up to see why he was crying and let me in. And I have learned my lesson. Next time I need something from the garage, I will send a kid ;)

If he was the first kid, he might be the only kid!

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