Friday, April 5, 2013

Potty Training

I think potty training falls pretty high up on my list of things that are just NOT fun in being a parent. But it is one of those things that just has to be done. I am wishing now that I had seized the opportunity last fall when Myra acted like she really wanted to train. The two weeks before our trip I worked with Myra. And she did great (most days). But she would never tell me when she needed to go to the bathroom. She would just hold it until I made her go. With our trip, I didn't want to risk accidents while we were out and about, nor did I want to have additional laundry to do (we were on vacation). But Myra was still using the bathroom. Not every time, but she stayed dry all most the whole drive out to Alabama, and the whole drive home. Yesterday I decided that it was time start up the whole training thing again... I put underwear on Myra, reminding her that we don't pee in them... And she didn't pee in them... She would take them off, pee on the ground (in which ever room she was in) and the put the underwear back on!!! Guess I need to work on my communication skills a little bit more ;)

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