Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Catalina "The Enforcer" Case

I probably should start by talking about my husband or my oldest child, but Catalina's daily antics is what prompted me to want to write stuff down. She is So darn funny! I don't remember my other kids being so funny. I'm sure they were, but I have forgotten. And I feel bad. I hope that in writing these things down now, that I will start to remember what the other kids have done.
Catalina is the youngest (for now), and at two and a half she thinks she rules the house. She has LOTS of energy and can destroy a room faster then five or six kids combined. But it's hard to discipline her as well, because she is So darn cute. She has taken to telling me lately when she wants something (mostly snacks and candy) that "it's not yours, it's the families." And if you don't give her the treat she wants, don't turn your back on her or she will just go help herself. She will climb or drag a chair to get anything and everything she wants.

I could probably go on for hours about Catalina... And I am sure she will be the subject of many blogs to come, but I thought I would go on to explain why she is "The Enforcer". Being the youngest child, Catalina has learned (probably out of need) how to defend herself. She seldom hesitates to take back a toy that was take from her. And if she is hit or bit, she will retaliate. She also hesitates to take a toy she thinks should be hers. Sometimes I think that she bullies her sister Savannah (who is 4) into doing/giving her what she wants. But on top of not being afraid to stand up for herself, she will defend her brothers and sisters if she thinks they are being picked on. My oldest often cries out because he was pinched or scratched after he picked on one of his other sisters. If Catalina see it happen, she will defend until the end. Even if a minute later she has turned on the one she defended to fight them. The other morning Josh was resting trying to get rid of a head ache. Catalina thought it was a good time to wrestle with him. In her wrestling she head butted Josh leaving him in pain, and not in any pain herself. I told her she needed to tell Daddy to "take that" when she head butts him... She turned to Josh and said "take that". I'm sure I will regret teaching her that, but I laughed a lot at the time :)


  1. Oh how I love that girl!!! I love hearing her talk more and more and I so enjoyed seeing her play with Casey and Allie- she was so sweet (but enforcing!) with Allie- it was adorable! Love that you're blogging... hope you will every day!

  2. Cat is soooooo cute! We were cracking up at nursery on Sunday -- Josh told us her latest phrase, "What the heck?". Hilarious!!

    Cute blog, by the way!
