Monday, January 28, 2013

Spencer x2

No, the title is not an indication that there are two Spencers, or that I am pregnant. Spencer x2 just means that Spencer is now 2 months old. Not surprising, the time has gone way too fast! I LOVE the new baby stage, and it never seems long enough for me. Thankfully Spencer likes to cuddle! And I have gotten quite good at working and holding him :) Here are Spencer's 2 month stats! - 9lbs 6oz - puts him in the 5% range for weight. - 23 1/2 inches long - puts him in the 75% range for height. - BALD!!! Except for the old man hair in the back (ok, if you look real close you can see the new hair growing in... But it is still too soon to tell what color it is... Ok it's not going to be black, but hard to say if the red will come back). - Still blue eyed. - Smiling more and more each day! Especially if you lay him under the fan... It doesn't even have to be going... He LOVES the fan. - Trying to make sounds. - Loves to suck on his fist... As many fingers as he can get in his mouth. - Really likes the swing. Unless Myra is pushing it for him :) - Still trying to figure out what formula makes him the happiest, with the least amount of spit up and gas... Have ruled out the gentle formula for fussy/gassy babies. We LOVE Spencer! So glad that he is our lucky number seven!

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