Thursday, September 8, 2011

How many times?

I am a paranoid worry wart.  I blame this on a couple things.  One ~ My parent's house was robbed when I was young...  But old enough to remember it.  I don't remember all the details, I just remember we were out to a movie or something and when we came home we had been robbed.  They broke in through our back sliding glass door (I think).  I don't remember what all was taken, I only remember that they had stolen my bank!  Mine, and now one else's.  Mine had been left out in my room in plain sight mind you, but I was quite upset!  Two ~ Before I met Josh and became a mom I was a paramedic.  During my training to become a paramedic we had a class called "Street  Smarts".  This class was intended to make you think.  We had to think of the different scenarios we could be faced with as a paramedic, and how to get out of some of them.  We did a lot of practise "scenarios" where if we made the wrong move we would be killed (for fake).  I will have to blog about them some other time, because there are some great stories there, but needless to say because of that class I always look at things from the other side.  I don't assume that the nice person walking behind me is really nice.  I am VERY aware of things that are going on around me.  Very!  Three ~ A personal reason that I will not share here, but maybe one day I will...

I am a paranoid worry wart.  I don't leave the doors unlocked even when I am home (trust me it's not easy to break into my house, we have tried).  I always lock the car doors.  And I hate to let my kids play out front.  I let them, but I am always worrying, even when one of my older kids is watching the younger girls (thanks Josh Jr.)!

That all being said, what is a reasonable amount of times a strange car should pass by my house, "pausing" for several minutes, before I should call the police???  Because much more than two times in 5 minutes, and I am starting to panic...


  1. I think I just figured out why I'm such a paranoid worry wart too! Thanks for reminding me of the Street Sense class! I do the same thing with my kids, only play in the backyard, lock my doors even when I'm home, all car doors locked at all times. I won't even let my kids walk home from school. If a car follows me more than a few turns I start to panic too. I've driven past my house before when a car who had turned 3-4 times right behind me turned onto my same street. I know there are some personal reasons too why I am a little paranoid, but I think that Street Sense class is the main reason. Thanks for reminding me of that and letting me know I'm not the only paranoid one out there!

  2. Paranoia is real ... it just has to be kept in check. Remember that you physical presence deters 90% of "criminals" so next time I suggest stepping outside (with your phone in hand) and walking a little ways toward the car.
    Best case scenario: the person is lost and you help them find their way. Good Christian service! :)
