Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Where's My Phone???

That was my thought tonight when a fire truck pulled up in front of my house!  I was home with just the three youngest kids, while Josh was at the church with the oldest three.  I was in the office eating my dinner, while Savannah and Catalina cleaned their room so they could have a bath.  At that's when a fire truck pulled up right in front of the house!  Blocking the whole driveway! The Fireman got out and walked back to my neighbors house.  The fire truck left a couple minutes later, and I'm not sure why it was even here, but it scarred me for a minute.  I wasn't worried that something was wrong with one of my kids.  I knew they were all safe.  I was scared that one of my kids had accidentally called 911 and that the fire department had came.  Probably not a normal reaction, but Myra DID actually call the police last week, and after I hung up the phone, I got a call back from the police department making sure everything was OK.  And that is why my first thought was... Where's My Phone!


  1. I'm so glad it wasn't another phone call from Myra. I think they start charging you $$$ if it happens multiple times. Sheesh! Kids are expensive! :)

  2. Wow! Myra is already making crank phone calls and she's only a year old! She's very advanced for her age!
