Monday, September 13, 2010

I cant...

Whenever I ask (or tell) the kids to do something the answer often is...  Hang on, or just a sec...  But Cat likes to answer "I can't"!  Tonight Catalina was avoiding eating her dinner yet again (what a shock!).  She was too busy giving Myra loves to eat.  When I told Cat to go eat, her response was "I can't, 'cause Myra has my hand."
Catalina and Myra
Myra holding onto Cat's thumb

Myra was holding on to Cat's hand...  So cute!  I missed the picture (camera was not near by), but here are a couple from the night we brought Myra home from the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. Too cute. She ended up coming back from bed to eat her dinner ('cause I hungy!) while the other kids ate their snack.

    Her complaints while walking home from school are adorable too ... My feet is ty-urrrd ... dey need to west (rest) fo' a min-nut ...

    I am sure the other kids were equally cute at that age ... too bad we weren't blogging back then to remember it all. :)
