Sunday, July 10, 2011


As I went to get on my computer last night I discovered it wouldn't start...  I didn't worry too much, since the boys have a computer I could use.  This morning when the computer still wouldn't turn I started to worry.  There is a lot of things saved on my computer that I need.  Lots of pool board stuff, but more importantly ALL of the pictures taken in the last 4 and a half years!  And true most have been saved to back up, but not the last 16-17 months worth!  That would be Myra's whole life!  That's when I was panicking.  All of the pictures of Myra gone!

Thanks goodness I have a computer genius's for a father (since I would still be computerless with out him).  He came over this evening and "saved" my pictures.  He even got a computer up and running for us.  But most importantly he "saved" my pictures!  Thanks dad!  You are the best!


  1. What a relief! I would totally freak out if I couldn't get my laptop to work - I have Everything saved on this computer!

  2. Hopefully our kids grow up with that computer savvy gene so we'll be okay as "old folks" too! :)
