Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I mentioned in my blog here http://jandkcase.blogspot.com/2011/02/is-it-worth-it.html about being on a board for a little local swimming pool.  Tomorrow is the General Meeting for the "whole" pool!  And I (who was made president of the Board back in September) get to run the WHOLE meeting!!!  I am soooo excited!!!  I just love to stand up in front of hundreds of people (some of whom might be confrontational) and have to TALK and RUN the show!  I am sooooo excited!!!!

In case you missed the sarcasm...  I am STRESSED out and can't wait for tomorrow to be over!  I am not a public speaker by choice.  I was happy in my role as Secretary where I didn't have time to worry about speaking, because I was taking too many notes!  Let's hope for my sweet family that tomorrow goes well, so that stressed out mommy can go away :)


  1. I don't blame you for feeling stressed out about this - you'll do great, though! Best of luck!! Hang in there!!

  2. You did amazing Pretty Lady! And "stressed out mommy" wasn't near as bad for the family as you thought she was! Love you!
