Monday, March 7, 2011

Three Minutes...

What is three minutes???  Not much in the grand schme of things, but three minutes can make a world of difference...

Three minutes to tell your child a story...  Three minutes to read your email...  Three minutes to wash the table... Three minutes to boil water...  Three minutes to listen to a prayer... Three minutes to say good night... Three minutes to miss the bus...  Three minutes to hold a crying child...

Three minutes really isn't that much time.  I know for me that three minutes disappear all the time.  So how can three minutes make the difference in the day?  If someone smiles and says hello (way less than three minutes) it is easier to have a happy day.  A quick chat with a friend for three minutes can make the day great too.  And on the other hand kids fighting for three minutes (I wish mine only fought for three minutes) can turn a mood sour.

I had a doctor appointment this morning, and swear it seemed like the doctor was only in the room for three minutes, but it affected my whole day.  It put me in a sour, slightly grumpy mood, that I could just not shake today.  Three minutes!  I let three minutes bother me for the whole day!  What a waste of a day (and three minutes)...

1 comment:

  1. Favorite.... post.... ever!!!! I loved this, Karen and you are so right!!! This put so many things into perspective for me... and I'm going to be that friend tomorrow and call you to see when we can get together next!!! :) Love you!!!
