Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Advancements in Roles

Queen Savannah at 16 months old!

I mentioned a few days back on facebook that Catalina had tole me "Vannah is the princess and I is the servant.  I do what ever Vannah want me too!"  Well I was informed today that the two little girls have had an advancement.  Savannah is now the Queen!  And Catalina is the Princess! 

Princess Catalina
ready to fight the
wicked witch!

They spent the morning playing with a sun shade for the car.  And I admit that I let them "ride" it down the stairs for a little while (it kept them busy and gave Myra a MUCH needed break from being loved on).  The sun shade latter became their castle wall and they played behind it.

I became the mean wicked witch when I made them stop playing and go and get bathed.  And when Catalina wouldn't come, I took the sun shade away.  She proclaimed...  "You destroyed my castle"!!!  I told her... "That's what wicked witches do :)

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