Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Tricks!

I noticed a week, maybe two ago that Myra has started to suck on her bottom lip a lot.  It is soo cute.  Well this evening that evolved.  During prayers with the kids tonight she started to... well... pop her lips... I wish I had video... She was sucking the bottom lip in and then popping it out.  So very cute, although not really appropriate during prayers, but she is only 6 months old.  Anyways...  So Myra started popping her lips...

Now lets fast forward an hour...  Myra is acting hungry (again!  Man that kid eats a lot).  And since she hadn't had any solid foods today I grabbed a jar of applesauce to feed her.  The first few minutes of eating were going just fine, until Myra decided that she was either one, too tired to eat.  Or two, not really enjoying the applesauce.  Or maybe three, she remembered the popping the lip thing and thought she would try it out again.  Regardless of her reason, Myra started the popping the lip trick while I was trying to put food in her mouth.  The result... applesauce all over her face!  It was amazing how much she could get off the spoon, and how high up she could get it on her face!  And Myra was so proud, she just sat there with a big sucked in lip grin... until I wiped up her face!

Needless to say after two or three more bits with the lip popping trick (I had to show Josh), Myra wash wiped down and given a bottle to feed the hunger, and she was a sleep before the milk was gone!


  1. It would have been so cool to post video of what she was doing. And her little smirk makes me believe she KNEW what she was doing and that it was hilarious! Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. I think I'm gonna need to see this trick in person!! Sounds adorable!

  3. I'm with Jaimee - definitely need to see Myra do this! Too cute!
