Monday, January 3, 2011

It's Christmas Eve!!!

Christmas Eve dinner

What's that you say???  It's not Christmas Eve???  Are you sure???  It sure feels like Christmas Eve in my home...  OK minus all the Christmas decorations.  But look out side at all the white snow, and smell the yummy dinner by candle light.  It must be Christmas Eve!

Daddy and his girls!

OK so I really know that it is the third of January and no longer even the Christmas/Holiday season...  My kids went back to school today!!!  Is it bad that I am excited for them to be in school?  Don't get me wrong I miss the sleeping in (even though I didn't get up AS early as I should have), but I also enjoy the quieter times when three out of the six kids are in school...  And then the really quiet times when five of the six are in school (and the sixth one usually is sleeping)!  But I have spun way off topic here, so back to Christmas Eve.

Mommy and Myra

Josh Jr.

Crazy Ben

Our little Case family (by little I mean the 8 of us... not extended family) has a tradition every Christmas Eve.  I'm not sure how long we have been doing it, but I know it has been at least 4 years... maybe more.  Unfortunately for reasons beyond our control we were unable to do our normal family traditions.  OK not all of them any ways.  Normally we have a candle lit dinner of ham and mashed potatoes... and what ever else I fix to go along with them, bread, a veggie, that part is not set.  But the dinner by candle light of ham and potatoes is a requirement.  And this year it didn't happen...  I could blame it on any different things, but it is just a poor mommy memory.  I forgot to put the ham in.  I was so worried about getting the potatoes started on time so that we could eat at a certain time that I completely forgot the ham!!!  Luckily I have a great family that is forgiving and easy to please.  And with a promise to still do the dinner another night, we still had a fantastic Christmas Eve.  And so tonight we had our Christmas Eve dinner.  The ham (which believe it or not I almost forgot to put in again), the potatoes, bread and carrots.  All by candle light.  It was a great dinner, and a lot of fun with the kids to joke about it being Christmas Eve.

Savannah acting
like her candle holder

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!!!


  1. Ohmygoodness those pictures are awesome! Ben doing his goofy face and Savannah posing like her candle (which is actually a lady singing but it looks like she is smiling and covering her mouth).

    Excellent post Pretty Lady ... and for what it's worth, I think the dinner on the actual Christmas Eve was a huge success too! :)

  2. Better late than never! I'm glad you were able to continue this family tradition! Love the pictures of everyone!
