Wednesday, May 18, 2011

11 months ago...

Myra the day
 we came home from the hospital

11 months ago I had a tiny little baby girl in my arms...  While she is still little, she is quite a bit bigger today.  She's is not a little baby any more.  I can't believe how fast it has gone!  We celebrated Myra turning 11 months by going to the park for a picnic for Savannah and Catalina's last day of preschool (OK we went for Savannah and Cat not Myra).  It was a beautiful Colorado day (windy and cold!), so we only lasted an hour before we came home.  I will post more about it tomorrow...

Here is the "run" down on Myra

A little blurry
because she is walking to me

Myra is turning into a little mess maker :)  She loves to go, go, go and she is fast.  Her crawling is reaching break neck speeds :) She has even figured out how to bring things with her as she crawls...

But crawling is not good enough...  Myra took her first step on the 22nd of April.  Since then she has just tried again and again...  She is now up to 7 or 8 steps at a time before she falls over.  Her sisters love to "help" her walk all the time...

Myra love to eat.  She will eat just about anything...  Not the little dried apple baby treats though...  those she spits back out...

It is sad to admit, but I'm not sure how much Myra weighs.  She has been mostly healthy, and so there is no need to go to the doctor... I will have to weigh her next time we are at grandmas.

Myra LOVES the bath!  She gets so excited when I start the water...  Lets hope she likes the pool as much...

We have learned that Myra burns VERY easy!!!  She will get a burn in the ten minutes it takes to walk to and from the school...

Pretending not to
listen to me
Myra's hair is still slow on growing...  It is getting a little thicker, but there is still not so much...  However it is still red!!!

Myra still has blue eyes...  We don't have a blue eyed girl yet, so we will see if it holds out...

Myra is suck a happy loved baby.  I am so glad that she is part of our family!


  1. I love the fact that Myra's hair is still red (I hope it will stay this way!) and that her eyes are blue (hopefully that will be permanent too!)

  2. What awesome pictures! Your blogs about our kids always make me "stop and smell the flowers" along the parenthood trail. Thanks for capturing these great experiences!

    Two points of clarification:
    First, Myra SUNburns easily. We have not (and will never) tried to "burn" her. :)
    Second, Myra is SUCH a happy, loved baby (not "suck"). :)
