Saturday, May 28, 2011

I can't believe it's opened!!!

Today would be the last Saturday in May...  That means it is Memorial day weekend!  I guess it could be the last Saturday and not be Memorial day weekend, but that is really rare...  To many people it means a three day weekend...  For others it is a time to reflect... Growing up it meant school was almost done...  But for me now it means the stress should start to recede!  That's right, as of this morning at 10am, the little community pool that I am on the board for opened!!!  We are open for the season!!!

I have to say that it almost seemed surreal.  I can't believe that it has really happened.  As I sat on the deck this afternoon to sign some checks (still have a hard time believing that I have THAT much responsibility), I was amazed.  Everything looked great!  The water was a beautiful blue.  There were kids playing on the play ground, people BBQing by the pavilion, and of course families swimming in the pool...  It was great!

I have to add that my kids were quiet put out that I did not take them swimming today, and I have had to promise a dozen times, that YES we would go on Monday!  If you are in Colorado Springs you should stop by...  There is an open house this weekend only from 1pm until 4pm Saturday (to late for today...sorry), Sunday, and Monday the pool is open to all for free!  So come try it out!  It's a great little family pool!

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