Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A nice night for a walk...

Myra ready to go

That was last night.  It was a perfect night to go for a walk, and so we did.  We walked all the way to Grandma, and Grandpa Case's house!  OK we took the short cut, but Josh thinks it was still about 3 miles round trip.  Not too bad on my bum foot...  Here are a few fun pictures...
Catalina's spot to ride :)

Ben giving Savannah a ride

Josh finding wood to make a bridge

Cat has the MAP!

Brooklyn Bridge :)

The kids even got to play with there cousins for a little bit at Grandma's house!


Myra thinks they
should share!
After a LONG HOT walk we had Popsicles for snack!!!



And they did!


  1. You know, when you posted before about walking to Grandma's all I could think of is who carried Cat. :P I know you were surprised when she didn't insist on being carried to my house from school. I figured maybe you or Josh carried Myra and let Cat ride but I like your arrangement better!! :)

  2. Love those pictures of everyone! It was a nice surprise to come home from work and see you all!

  3. What a fun evening that was. Glad that the supposed "fox" or "wolf" didn't eat us while we crossed the ravine on the way home. :)
