Friday, May 13, 2011

I finally did it!

I am a little bummed that I had made it this far into the year with blogging every day, only to miss a day because was down :(  I even had my blog by the middle of the afternoon.  Oh well, not much I can do about it now.  I will just have to blog twice today to make up for it.  So here is yesterday's blog...

I finally did it!  And no it's not quit the pool board (all though after a day like yesterday I have REALLY thought about it)!  Almost two months ago I blogged about trying to give food to a homeless person here...  Well yesterday I finally did it!  Since my earlier experience I have kept that bag of food in the car (I have changed out the bread several times though).  And I have looked for someone to give it too.  At first I didn't find anyone, then it seemed that I was always by myself and the food was in the back of the car so I couldn't get it while driving...

Yesterday as I was leaving King Soopers there was an older man standing on the corner that I was going to drive by...  And I thought to my self "Crap the food is all the way in the back!"  But then I remembered that I need to get my medicine from the drive through...  I took the opportunity of stopping to grab the food from the back of the car...  And as I came back to the corner that the man was standing on I rolled down the window and gave him the food.  He blessed me and thanked me.  Happy to have something.

It was a great feeling!


  1. Yay! I think that's the start of something big. We should keep some food int he back of the car all the time for just such an occassion. Worst case scenario, we just eat it when we take a trip somewhere and replace it later. :)

  2. Wow! That was such a nice thing to do! You've set a great example for the rest of us to follow!
