Friday, August 5, 2011

What happened to common courtesy?

I think this question often unfortunately.  But usually I get over the act of rudness.  However today's act of rudeness really rubs me the wrong way.  As I have mentioned before, I am on a pool board for a little community pool.  Over the last two and a half years I have questioned why I am doing it.  Today was another one of those days...
My cute baby at the pool

My position on the board requires me sign checks for bills, reimbursement, payroll, etc.  The process our pool uses, is a two signature signing on checks.  There are only three of us who can sign the checks.  This usually isn't a problem, but lately it seems to be harder to meet up to get checks signed.  About a month back, I was at the pool early one Monday morning for my kids swim lessons.  We had many things to get done that day, and we didn't plan to stay and swim.  While I was there I was informed by another pool board member that the person with checks was on her way for me to sign checks, and that she would be there in an half an hour...  An hour later I left, and she had still not shown up...

Last night this same person sent me a text asking if I would go by the pool sometime today and sign the payroll checks so that the lifeguards could have them tomorrow...  I asked this person if she might send me a text after she had dropped the checks off, so that I wouldn't have the problem of the checks not being there...  She texted back:  I will be going early tomorrow on way 2 work so assume they will be in safe by 10:00.  I guess I should have clarified that she meant AM.  Because when I showed up at the pool at 10:30 (after going to the doctor for my baby who was running a fever and has a croupy cough, and who kept us up until 2am and then up again for an hour or more during the night) the checks were not there!  I could not find them, and I LOOKED for them.  So I tried texting and then calling this person to see what had happened.  She finally answered the second call, and informed me that she had actually not been to the pool yet, but that she was walking out the door and would be at the pool in five minutes...  I guess she meant she would be leaving her house in five minutes, because she showed up fifteen minutes later...  forty-five minutes after I got to the pool...

I understand that things happen, and that plans don't always work out.  I get that.  What I don't get is why you can't show common courtesy and call or text me that you are running late.  I had other errands to run, that I would have (and should have) done first.  Really just a little courtesy goes a LONG way!


  1. And I thought this was going to be about the lady who wouldn't move slightly so you could get on the elevator! You had an uncommon lack of courtesy from others yesterday! So sorry! :(

  2. People can be such jerks sometimes! Sorry you had to deal with that!
